Monday, July 18, 2011

How do I explain to my children from a previous marriage that my new wife and I are having a baby?

I (male) have a 15 yr old daughter and a 12 yr old son both live with the mother and her new husband with a 15 yr old step sister. My new wife and I are planning to have a child which we haven't told my chdren yet they already stated how disappointed they would be if I where to have another child. I'm surprised that I can't find more info on this issue online. I'm looking to speak with a professional to gain any advise on this topic.

Why is it so hard for a man to tell hes women its over??? Men can u answer this?

My husband told he family he dnt want me or love me...he been gone for weeks...when i call we talk normal but when i tell him i need to hear from him he hangs up i need closure its a 8 yr realationship and hav kids...i dont get it?? Is hes family brain washing him?? Or what?? Hes family does hate me also.....

He never texts me first?

Ok so im always the one texting him first like hey watever too start a conversation and he txt me stuff like "bby" ur too cute" stuff like that im starting to really like him and his so confusing ! At school he just hugs me and leaves ! Before we starting even talking he always stared at me in the hallway and everywhere i saw him :/ sometimes he randomly just stops texting me

Iz mie bby sistah preggos?

mie sis iz lyk six yrz old... nd lately shes been eating lotz, & puuuking in der br. nd her tummy iz getting fatter, my mom & dad kno bout it, but dey dont think shes preggerz. but i dink she's preggerz... i wonderz who she had sex wit =\ anywaaayz, iz sheee preggerz? oh yuh & shes beeen bitchy lately. so yuh, ohkayzz byeee babeeezz.

Is p90x good idea? 115lb, postpartum & breastfeeding.?

We just ordered it and was wondering if its a good idea since I'm 115 pounds but dnt want to lose weight, just want to tone up after having my bby ( hes 7 weeks). I can't follow the meal plan since I'm breastfeeding the doctor advises us to not diet. Will I still see results?

5 day old bby boy pooping so much?

my son is 5 days old today, hes a breast feed bby and since this morning hes been pooping about 6 times today. It yellow water poo and when he poops his tummy makes sounds. Is this normal?

Sophomore Senior Dating?

as i've heard it explained the youngest a guy (or girl i guess) should ever date is 1/2 their age + 7 so your on the borderlin. there probably wont be too much talk but there is always some no matter what the ages are

Howmany days do u live without yr gf's chat,text,phone call,etc.??how many days or hours???Share yr issues...?

My gf is busy nw due to her exam.i miss her bt i d�t want to disturb her.i dont live without her.we met many times and we live 500km away.she refused me not to message me..howmany days do u live without yr gf..????plz share yr things..

Do I need to consume a decent amount of fat when trying to build muscle?

Ill be getting my fats in from eggs, milk, nuts, natural peanut butter, flaxseed oil, and olive oil (other than the trace amounts in lowfat cottage cheese and whole wheat bread and what not). So is it critical that I consume maybe around 80-85 grams of fat each day (I'm a 22 yr old, 6'3 and 163 pounds male) I already got my protein and my carbs down as i know they are important, just need to know about fat.

A letter to an inmate in mens central jail?

I live in cudahy and i snt a lettr to my bby whos in mens cantral jail.i send it on wednesday.6 -29-11 By When do u think hes gonna get it?it was a regulr stamp. How long would it tke with a first class stmp?i would apreciate ur answr.thnkks

Do I wear too much makeup for a 14 yr old?

I'm 14 going to 9th grade which makes me a high school freshman. I wear fondation and concealer for my acne and under eye circles(fondation is bare minerals and looks pretty natural). Eye liner and mascara. And I wear either really neutral, shimmery neutral, or this shimmery nuetreal like pinkish color (but its not pink I can't explain it) for my eyeshadow everyday. And sometimes when I go places I may do a more dramtic eye look. And lipgloss. And sometimes I wear a little bronzer. Do you think that's too much?? Would you consider me fake?? I'm a really preppy girly girl and I LOVE makeup. But I don't want people calling me fake or whatever.

What is your effin problem?

wtf my "bestfriend" is just bitching at me becuz she said i pushed myself on her boyfriend when HE pushed himself on ME! i've explained this to her so many times and yet she doesn't believe me i'm so pissed right now that i don't care what happens. She can have that player even though i got to admit that he is bawm but still he is the one that forced ME! Ugh! and she just told me that if i am preggo that the bby isn't his! And that i'm a slut? i'm so upset that someone who i thought was my friend is talking smack! so if i am should i take a preggo test?

How to improve sprint time?

I am 15 years old. I ran track for the first time yesterday. I did average. I would like to know how to improve my sprint times, what drills to do, and general tips on track, I want to achieve personal bests not win meets, I am a former 1500m runner and my personal best was 4:30. I ran a 14 second 100m yesterday but bear in mind it was 33 degrees, I never trained before and I was wearing the wrong attire to run, furthermore I was dehydrated so I aim to get 12 seconds within the next two months by improving my technique. Duces

Ya think I will get into OSU?

my friend just got accepted, and shes dumber than a doorknob. so you dont need to worry :) lol GOOD LUCK!

Bad headache for almost 3 weeks?

Alright, im a 15 yr old girl... so ive had this really bad headache for just about 3 weeks, its constant, from the moment i wake up to the moment i fall asleep, ive woken up from it a few times too. when i have a headache i take a tylonal and it goes away.. with this.. im taking 2 tylonal and 2 ibruprofen every 4 hours.. and it doesnt help very much, it even doesnt help at all most of the time. the pain is in the lower back of my head. mostly to the left, at times it feels like someones stabbing me with a knife there. i drink water very often, and j havent changed my diet at all in the past 3 to 4 weeks. ive already gone to the doctors and they said if it gets worse or meds arent working to come back,,, that was a wek ago. and it has gotten worse and meds are NOT working. i come to think is a tension headache.. although im starting to think its not. im not trying to think of the worst. any answers or solutions to this? sorry for all the reading! thanks tons! -Emily

Why do blacks earn .81 as whites with similar education and experience?

Because the government has taught them to get angry at the system all the time instead of just acting like everyone else. If one can get voted for President, then it is not a discrimination problem-especially when the blacks were the ones who voted for him due to race.

Am I a bisexual boy?

So im 17 yr old boy and I had anal sex with my friend (male) and I really enjoyed it and want more( I was on the receiving end) and I am physically attracted to girls, tranny, really cute boys. I also like girlish things like wear lip gloss and other make up. Am I bi??

Is Obama incompetent and useless?

no but you are you ******* retard. why the **** would they even make a scam like that. think before you talk, or type, or better yet, don't talk or type at all

Going to the gym tomorrow- good circuit work out/tips?

Tomorrow, I am going to the gym and I want to get serious- I have done treadmills and weight lifting, but I want to have organization. Any ideas or tips? I am also a 15 yr old, if that makes a difference.

Wtf is wrong her!................?

Is this your girlfriend? You were vague in saying who this girl was. Break it off with her. She's a crazy person.

I am 6 weeks pregnant i am bleeding like a period but my levels r climbing what could be wrong with me bby?

very possible for this to be a miscarriage.. why are you sitting on your computer instead of calling a doctor or going to the ER?!

WHY are all of these Grime artists keep hatin' on Wiley?

Furthermore,...if Skepta (the self-proclaimed King of Grime) truly is the King of Grime,then whats HE hating on Wiley for?

Is there home remidys to have an abortion?

My 13 yr old cuz came to me today with this question I promised her I would look up the I personally don't believe in abortion but a promise is a promise

He never texts me first?

Ok so im always the one texting him first like hey watever too start a conversation and he txt me stuff like "bby" ur too cute" stuff like that im starting to really like him and his so confusing ! At school he just hugs me and leaves ! Before we starting even talking he always stared at me in the hallway and everywhere i saw him :/ sometimes he randomly just stops texting me

Should I ask my brother's wife to be a bridesmaid?

My brother and his wife got married a few months ago and I was in their wedding as a bridesmaid. The problem is, me and his wife are not close at all. In fact, I knew her many years before her and my brother met and I've always had a rough time with her. For example, my mom and I threw her a bridal shower because she gave my mom a sob story about how "no one was doing anything for her." A few hours before the bridal shower, I happened to be on facebook, where one of her friends posted a bunch of pictures of her bridal shower (she apparently had one weeks before this second we one were throwing and failed to mention that). But this is really minor in comparison to the inconsiderdate and bratty stuff she constantly does. My mom says that I MUST ask her to be a bridesmaid in my wedding, but I thought this day was about me and my soon-to-be husband, not some spoiled brat. Furthermore, my fiance's sisters will be in the wedding, but we aren't asking their husbands. I think its only fair to have my brother and not his wife. Lastly, we are trying to keep the wedding relatively small, and I already have three close girlfriends that I want to be in the wedding, along with my fiance's two sisters. Please help!! I need to get my mom off my back and I think if I get some good responses, she just might let it go. Thanks!

Im 20 Years Old.I Have A 4 Year Old Daugther!?

I'm a single Mother Of a 4 year old baby girl! I haven't been able to loose the bby fat after I had her. I want to loose weight and start eating healthier. Can u guyz give me advice on what to do and what work out is best for me?? I'm 150 on weight and my height is 5'3. Help please?? No Rude Comments!!

How do shrimp mate???

I bought 2 shrimps with eggs in them and I had 3 other babyish shrimp. The to shrimp had their eggs and now one of them has more! How!?? I didn't even no that the biggest bBy was fertile! Is their even males? Do the females need the males to develope eggs? What is their reproduction cycle!?

Aam i finally pregant.?? plzz comment?

Its like I'm sooooooo tired in the morning all of a sudden and i can't get up.. then like my stonch the bottom feels like super bloated idk why and it just feel weird and my fiance has been sleeping sooooo much lately that's like all he does sleep and work he was nvr like that.. by the way me and him hav been trying to concieve bby #2 for quite some time now andd everyyyytime i get up i have a bigg head rush and feel soooo dizzy.!!!!

He really likes me??? I am the only girl?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. We chat abt 1 or 2 hours after 2 or 3 weeks. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is my boyfriend acting normal? =(?

He is probably upset that he is not there with you to enjoy the fun you are having. He might also be worried that you are going to do something that he might not want you to do. You guys just started your long distance relationship. Give him some time; if this continues and becomes worse than it won't be so normal.

Experiencing white flashes in eyes at night?

This can be a natural occurrence formed by the retinals cones and rods firing. In a completely dark room someone will see white flashes after a period of time.

Should i have an abortion or keeo the baby im only 17?

Im 17 years old and I just found out im two months pregnant im trying to make it work with my bby's father but im getting real fed up I been busting my but at McDonald's for a month and he still hasn't found a job I don't want to relay in my Mom to have to take care of me and my bby plus I just got fired I think it's cuz o told them im pregnant I want to get my own appartment but how am I going to pay fer shampoo and laundry soap I hate living off the government but im thinking bout getting a link card but even that does so much i also want to go to college and even if I do go to college I won't b able to use my education afterwards my bf said hell watch the bby while I wrk n go to school but what the heck he's going to b a house wife while I bust my but please! I told him bout the abortion but he refuses he wants full custody what should I do?

What should i do about my father n law?

Ok I just had a bby gurl she's my thrid child am currently staying wit my nlaws my husband is incarcerate will anyways since my lil gurl doesn't look like me or my husband my father n law jokes @saying my husband goan need a DNA test when he gets out but he's getting a lil to cared away BC he telling everybody that's comes @ to see the bby that she has the same mom but different dad my bby is only three weeks lk wtf she doesn't have to look lk her dad now but thy are saying that BC my other two look just lk there dad... what should I do?

REPOST one more time please help me choose (:?

I think Roman is a pretty kick-a** name, to be honest. And if you're not opposed to long names, I think Roman Tyler Michael has a nice ring to it. Not as a triple name, I'd say refer to him as Roman. But you can name your son in a really cool way, while still paying respect to both your friend and your brother. Congrats on your child and I'm sorry about your loved ones. ):

Should the Government end the Housing Crisis by nationalizing foreclosed homes and giving it to families?

There's more than enough houses available. What if the government just gave everyone who wanted a house a house? And furthermore, people wouldn't be able to take loans out on the house they live in, thereby preventing anyone from losing that house.

Psychic gift (please read all and help)?

i think i have a special gift and i would like to learn how to use it, but im very skeptical about it because i kno with every good theres and evil and i dont want any harm done to me or my family n friends. ok soo there has been numerous times where i see things i get this feeling as if i kno im gonna need it so ill take it and sure enough that day or a couple days later ill use it. i pick my cell phone up n set it back dwn 2 or 3 secs. later i get a call or txt msg. heres a story or two. one time i was with friends and my power was off. i had enough time to watch a video on his phone, roll a blunt, and him n his gf were arguing. with that said, i said "watch when i light this blunt the power will come on" no sooner did i lite it tha power came on, it freaked me out. coincidence? idk, another time i was with friends in my loft i have a matteress in there and i was layin on it, my friend however was not. i was thinking man i need another mattress up here. abt 5 mins later he leans up and is like "say bro u need another mattress up here" still a coincidence? ok so my dad plays the lottery and he picks numbers sometimes random sometimes ones that mean **** to em. soo one day he goes "o **** its almost ten, i needa get my numbers." when he said that these three numbers popped into my head, i use these numbers at wrk sometimes so i was gonna tell it to him as a joke. i asked em "hey dad what numbers are u gonna play" he response "3-5-6" i swear on everything i love in this world that those were the numbers that popped into my head. and sure enough that night those numbers came up i nearly **** myself, he won a little under a grand. me and him are connected we both know it i jus dnt kno how to use it. he knows how to "sweep" people (cleanse) hes done it to my brother, when my bro was a bby he was scared of the washer, my dad swept him and it stopped no more crying or anything. i wanna kno if he passed what he has onto me. theres times where i talk to myself and i feel as if theres someone in my head other than myself. i have deja vu quite frequently its like ive been there before and i knew that they were gonna say what they said. last night i went to this fast food place, i seen an old friend frm school. i txt my other friend n told him i seen her. his response "i had a dream abt her today" its soo weird i do this all the time. movies pop into my head, and later on i **** u not those movies either will be on or comin on later. another time i was thinkin abt a show on tv and kept talkin abt it and tellin people at wrk abt it. i got on FB and commented on someones staus bcuz their friend had said something similar to that show. turns out my friend was telling someone abt tha same exact skit i was thinking (the same day im not sure) but it still tripped me out. im sorry for rambling i jus cant describe how i been feeling today abt this. im really thinking of sitting down and really opening my mind and try to access my ESP or 6th sense and some ppl say, i kno its not gonna come easy and it might and probably will scare me, but i feel like im ready to try it. i would jus like some strong feedback and advice, please be serious as i am abt this, thank u for reading.

I think my gay friend like me...?

There are "straight" guys who are gay for 1 guy..........and gay guys who are sometimes attracted to good female friends. I am 100% gay, 99% bottom......but have been turned-on by 3 girls I knew. I also have a good gay bud (has been living with his gay "husband" a couple years) but he has sex with one girl he's known a long time. He & I agree: we aren't bi - we're gay - but there's sometimes chemistry with a girl. It's up to you how to handle if this progresses with your friend......just don't expect any more: you aren't going to "convert" him, he won't be interested in any kind of LTR......afterwards, he will just be the same friend he was before. Can't explain it - just the way it is.....maybe nature wants us to pass-on the gay gene !

I hurt my side while pregnant is my bby okay?

i know how worried you are, i was in a car crash at 19 weeks pregnant and got injured in both my sides, im 21 weeks now and my baby is fine also i fell down the stairs and whacked all my side 2 days ago and my baby is wiggling like mad. how far are you ? if your far even to feel the baby move lay down an wait for a movement, if not go to the doctors, but your baby is very protected with all are layers of skin and then instead a thick womb then inside a big water bubble it would take a very big blow to the belly to cause any serouise danger. as long has your not feeling any pain or no bleeding just go to the doctors and get checked.

When did everybody start their babies on baby food?

His doctor wants him to be eatin rice twice a day and baby food twice a day. Hes olny five months, isnt this to soon for bby food? His doctor wanted me to start him on i last month. Im not sure if i should wait or go for it. His doctor is also saying hes under weight. He weighs 14lbs on the dot and 27 and a half inches long. Is he under weight???? Answers plz???

My shih tzu ate a gammin steak, will she be ok?

She got at it wile i was upsrairs :( and i know dogs arent supposed to eat ham. Will she be ok? She's my bby and im worried :(

How to take care of 7 and 5 year olds?

My 7 yr old nephew and 5 yr old niece that I have never met are coming from about 11 hours away to live with my husband and I. They have been in the foster care system for about 2 yrs now, and we had no idea they even existed. I am very excited, and happy to get them out of foster care but I am also TERRIFIED. I don't know how to take care of these kids! What do they like to eat? Do they bathe themselves? Should I buy clothes and toys before they come? What do kids their age like to do and play with? What should I ask them to call us? What if they don't like us? I just don't want to mess this up because we are the only family they have that are stable and able to take them in. Help please!

Would you move on or fight it out in divorce court?

My friend husband is in the military. They have 4 kds together. He lives wit his mistress whom he has been living with for now 3 years and they have a bby together. He asked her for an absolute divorce she counterclaim that she wants him to be chrged with adultery, alimony, and marital property. My friend claims she left him but they were suppose to be working it out. He lives in VA and she is in NC. Since they separated she has been getting court ordered Child support from him. I told her to move on BC if he is chrged with adultery and get kicked out then she will lose her and her kids military benefits. Like medical,dental, commissary, and the amount of child support. What do you think?


Ok im breastfeeding my 2 month old bby. I have been dying for a pepperroni pizza but alot of people when ur breastfeeding there are certain foods u cant eat. Is this one of then or is it just for the 1st 40 days after u give birth.

Thinking of moving to Mexico for a couple of months, best city to move?

Hello i am a 19 yr old male , who just got done with a long relationship , to make things worst i am not getting along with my parents and they don't want me to move in , i have about 4,000 dollars and i want to move in to a border city or a place not to far from the border , and rent a apartment and see how long i can survive with 4k , the reason why i want to move to mex is cuz the drinking age is 18 and over i enjoy to have a few beers also i want to get away from this whole mess and clear my mind , i will most likely move alone unless one of my friends wants to take the adventure , any recommendations as far as were to move and apartment rates , things to do , i love to party and go out and enjoy life.

Does 'Going Out' (as in dating) mean literally going out?

Theres a girl i like and if I ask her out I dont know whether you literally go out like to movies or something or whether it is just another way of saying "Will you be my girlfriend?" Im 13 in a few days (im in yr 8 in uk) and I really want to know.

Help possible heart attack?

k first off im a healthy 18 yr old male. I have had 2 ekgs and blood work a I am perfectly healthy with no family history of heart disease. I am also I am perfectly healthy with no family history of heart disease. I am also medicated for anxiety. Ok so ately I have been getting alot of pains in my chest and random shooting pains in both arms mostly my left one. What could this be and what is the possibility of me having a heart attack could this be and what is the possibility of me having a heart attack oh and.i dont smoke or have family history or any other risk factors

Is this a misunderstanding??? Or does he like me?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. We chat abt 1 or 2 hours after 2 or 3 weeks. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall.

Does he like me???? help 10pts?

I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? He said he don't need that many girls. When i asked him his number he gave me it. but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. We chat abt 1 or 2 hours after 2 or 3 weeks. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall. No Rude comments! Thanks

Why should anyone even care whether or not God exists?

Because if God exists, which He does, then it means that we have a purpose in this life and that life has a meaning. It also means that this world we live in with all of its sin and suffering isn't as good as it gets. There is hope for the hopeless when they repent and place their trust in the mercy of God.

Advice on an inappropriate request?

My boyfriend is hosting a party on July 4. His childhood friend from LA will be attending with her daughter. There will be other guests at the party as well. The husband of his childhood friend, whom my boyfriend does not know personally, called up and asked if he could come as a surprise to his wife. They have some marital issues. He wanted to make up by dropping in by surprise. I think this is very inappropriate of him to make this request. Not knowing the marital issues they have, his wife could freak out and make it very awkward for every one in the party. Furthermore, none of us knows him. What to do? Let him know that he is welcomed but then what??? Thanks, mc

Can I use the prep. ''Plus'' on my resume?

I would suggest using "also" instead of "plus", sounds a little more professional.

Are there anti-matter beings out there in the universe?

@ the time of the Big Bang matter and antimatter formed out of the fireball. From the observations we have been unable to find regions that are made of antimatter. So it has been proposed that CP violation favoured matter over antimatter. So the visible universe is solely made of Ordinary matter; therefore antimatter ET is highly unlikely.scenario

I want to foster dogs for the SPCA. What do I need to know?

Oh, I doesnt know anything about that one there, Miss! But I is veddy educated (harvard, etc) Hindu lady and we likes many animals dogs cats and all. Many gods will bless you for this one doing nice for doggies.

Should u leave some1 cuz der family?

i am dating this asian guy he is the sweetest guy ive ever met n i dnt want to let him go. da thing is his family is crazy 1st dey say i try to poison his sis wit eyeliner n now it gone too far his sis said i stole her bby bracelet. he coming out of bootcamp soon n idk if to leave him cuz his family scare me now wit der lies n i dnt knw wat xtreme dey go to

Are there any fall baseball leagues for 15 and 16 yr olds in Williamsport?

We want to play fall ball cuz we quit football. If there isnt any in williamsport is there any in central PA?

I Fall In Love Easily?

I'm a 17 yr old girl and I am so overly romantic. I fall in love so easily and I don't understand why. If I meet a guy with intelligence, wit and a great sense of humour I fall head over heels in love. How should I stop falling for guys so easily? I hate it because I always end up hurt in the end.

Are these signs i could finaly be pregnant plzz comment?

Its like I'm sooooooo tired in the morning all of a sudden and i can't get up.. then like my stonch the bottom feels like super bloated idk why and it just feel weird and my fiance has been sleeping sooooo much lately that's like all he does sleep and work he was nvr like that.. by the way me and him hav been trying to concieve bby #2 for quite some time now

Should i move in with my boyfriend?

I am an 18 yr old just graduated from high school and want to be able to try and live my life not just for an education and career but to also have fun. I know my limits and never go out . My grandparents and parents still treat me like i'm still a kid and wont let me go any where with my friends or even have a boyfriend. My recent boyfriend however and i broke up but he gave me a choice to move out with him and go to the same college with him far away to prove that i can be my own person and give me a way out. Although, i feel like i have a good life with my grandparents and father it seems like a lot of pressure especially since no1 really has a job in my family . If i left wouldn't that lift a burden from my family even though they are over protective?

I am 14wks and 3days pregnant, belly question!?

This is my first bby and due to the fact that I'm a small girl I'm already showing.. yesterday I noticed that my right side of my belly was bigger then the left. Like it was sticking out more on the one side. I was wondering if that was normal this soon? I had my ultrasound yesterday too and they DID find my bby on that same side (the right) I'm just not sure if that's normal this early. Thankyou!

My husband smells/taste sour wen we are in bed only??why?

its either his breath or his penis. both should be checked out. a penis seems more likely. maybe its just his sex smell. i couldn't tell you but you two should talk and figure it out. has he been taking new vitamin pills or somethin.. ask.

Would this outfit look okay? i don't want to look like a hooker (photos)?

I really like this outfit,you look very beautiful and I think this outfit would look very pretty on you,and you really would not look like a hooker that's for sure!! ;)

UC Dublin veterinary school?

I want to go to UC Dublin for veterinary school. However I am from the states. Can I go for the same 5 year course for veterinary straight after graduating from high school when I am 18, or do I have to get a 4 yr degree in the states and go to their 4 yr graduate program? If I go to Dublin, could I start at 18 and be a vet in 5 years?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What to do if you found out that your fiance has a child from the past?

Heres the thing, when we we're still dating, He gave me all the password of his friendster and facebook 2 years ago, I did not care to check it for I did not gave mine, I still believe I need privacy. until one time I checked his friendster, which is not already active for a long time, I found out a message on his trash items, a girl messaged him informing about a birthday of her child. I was so shocked I never heard even rumors he had a child. He confessed to me that he is not sure, he is the father, it was a product of one night stand, he was 1st yr of college and moved to another city, he met the girl as a singer in a club, the had sex and after that there was no communication from the girl. My fiance was a star basketball player in his school and he said he practice to the gym everyday but the girl never bothered to go directly to him or even the girls family who lived near the school did not bother him at all. He have not seen the child, so he thinks the girl is just making up stories. As we are about to plan for our wedding I was so curious last night to search for thr girl in Facebook and I found pictures of the child, who I think looks a lot like him, it tore my heart. I have mixed emotions, they did not communicate with him, I told him last night that the child who is 8 yrs old now, looks a lot like you. and He said if he is really mine I will accept her wholeheartedly, I admire him for that. But I was so shocked about this thats happening I dont know how to explain to my family who really loved my fiance. I loved him and help me what will I do to get through this before we get married.

Ima ask agian abortion or keep? ?

Lol I feel like most of u are either anti abortion or judgeing me basically saying I need to grow up and take care of my duty's because I got myself into this which I totally respect that but let me give out my perspective for one I love my bby and I will give the world to my bby and I want him / her to have a good life better yet a great one I came here for advice not criticism so if that's what ur here for press the x on the right hand corner I hate to have a abortion or adopt my bby just cuz the fact that im adopted and I wonder where would I b every day if my mom was here it wouldn't if been a good place im nit going into detail but lets just say I got blessed I got everything I need and could ever want and u nvr know what kind of families ur child can go to ppl are horiable now and days there's child abuseers n stuff like that I've considered adoption but y if my bf will take the bby then ill get to c my bby that's in my best intrest right now cuz ill have time to get on my feet no worries I want to give my child the best life possible .. cuz I got blessed with the best life possible im going to talk yo his mom today over lunch he hasn't told her yet he's 21 so I think he needs to grow up what's the hold up ur a grow *** man

Y does he spend more time with his baby mama then what he do with his wife and son?

He see his lil gurl every sunday.but y do he like to spend time with his bby mama then what he do with his wife and son

My husband is thinking of getting a vasectomy done..?

You are putting the cart before the horse. A vasectomy is a LAST resort. Not something to be discussed prior, as an option. Wait till you are in the water before you start swimming.

I'm afraid my dad will kill my boyfriend?

Im sorry your parents are like that. I think you should just move away from them, you know? Find a job and a nice apartment, just disclose that information to them. If they aren't going to let go then have them learn their lesson the hard way. I say you should be packed and ready to go sometime in the next few days. Get ready to move as fast as possible. You have a great plan, but find away to stay with your boyfriend until you have enough money

Can you put bby food in a bottle?

I just saw this girl on True Life do it. She mix a little water and baby food and fed it to the baby in a bottle. Is that ok to do? Sometimes we're on the go and don't have time to spoon feed her so I was just wondering.

Y do ppl get prego at a yungg agee?

- just let me knoe if u got a bby wht agee uu haue iitt at becaause ppl hauiingg bbys att theee agee 12 because myy cuzziing got prgo at 11 ndd thatss a shamee

2 month old bby and fan?

I was wondering if i turn on the fan would my 2 month old bby get sick it gets pretty hot in my house and i've been wanting to turn on the fan but i dont want my bby getting sick.

How to convert BUP/IFO/VOB files into MP4/MP3/AVI files?

You need a DVD ripper; search for such software and it will convert your DVD to any kind of format you want, including avi. Good luck!



So what do i do now that he doesnt agree?

okay so i talked to my boyfriend on my thoughts of adoption for our bby. I explained to him how i don't know if we will be able to raise her and be able to support her financially. My family wasn't to happy with my thought either.But he is insisting that i keep it, he says that it's not the bby's fault and he wants to know he took responsibility for his kid and not have any regrets later. So now i'm so confused i don't know what to do i don't want the bby to suffer but i don't want to regret anything when i'm older. So what do you think i should do? Should i consider adoption still? or keep her to keep my family and boyfriend happy? :/

Guys please helppp is she not interested?

alright, so theres was this girl in my school, shes a grade below me, (where both in high school but school ova so im goin 2 juniors she goin to soph yr) and the only class i had with her is gym. i liked her, i pussyed out the whole ****** year i never talked to her bc i was shy, i didnt message her on facebook until the last week of school (regents week) i introduced my name and i said you were in my gym class this year saw you around but i didnt wanna say anything because i was kinda shy and i thought you were really cute, and then she said oh haha thanks, so i tried starting a convo, i was soo watsup, and she said nothing, im sorry but im not really looking for anything new right now, and then she said that was sweet of me to IM her and say that, she then said sorry again, then that she had to go, and then she said see ya around with a smiley face...then i FB IMed her again a few days later she ***** talk bc she had to study which i understood, but then i imed her again 3 days later didnt answer, then a week later didnt answer and i just did it last night she didnt, guys is she like not interested in being friends, if she isnt imma b upset bc i realllyyy liked her shes so beautiful prob the most beautiful girl ive seen (im a really nice and sweet guy btw)....guys plz help im confused

How to lose weight...?

Help i wanna lose weight i run every day in do sum piltes but i want to lose my bby fat i got a little belly nothing big i just want to be fit .. Does any one know some things or stuff i can do to lose weight pills anything thanks...

Im 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant and i want to have this bby like now!! :))?

i went to my dr.s 2 days ago and she told me i was 2 1/2 cm. open already and tht i might have my bby by tht day or yesterday but nothing has happen yet, not even today i have back lower pain and crampss but not close enough to go to the hospital and im desperate haaa can someone HELPP MEE!! wht can i do to go to labor..

Pregnant issues with my Winter White female?

no no no, this happened to my gerbil also. if the baby is dead, the mother will simply eat it. it has nothing to do with being a bad mother. with having both of her children die, i would say it has something to do with her being a first mother, or a really old one who cannot produce the same way. it also may be the males medical history. hamsters can produce very rapidly, so i would suggest giving the mother a bit more time before trying again, or just not trying again at all, maybe getting the male neutered, so that they may live together..

Tongue piercing(only if you've had one)?

not one of my more painfull piercings, swollen for a couple days, you will talk funny lol. try to avoid noodles for a little while and suckin ice cubes will keep the swelling to a minimum

Where can i download free dvd nursery rhymes for my 3 yr old?

you can visit children songs through raising children , you tube, and etc.i don't think about free down load available .

Should I call someone about my neighbors dog that has some kind of skin infection?

They even have her in a dog pin. Poor bby she is a beautiful german shephard and she has no hair. They don't pay attention to her. I feel so bad when i see her I wish I cld just go over and bathe her or take her to the vet. I don't know what to do cuz I'm her NEXT door neighbor and she's gonna know I called someone. What can I do??? plz help!!!!

My newborn baby cord is bleeding?? ?

I have notice my two week old bby gurl belly button has been bleeding but my nlaws SD it ok because her cord is coming off is it ok or should I calk her Dr and take her n it even has a smell to it ..... ???

Hi this person on facebook has started talking to my frend?

maybe he just wanna mess with her or any other thing he wants which depends on what (special) your friend has

How many pounds is a 11 month old bby suppose to weigh?

My daughter eats everything and anything but shes gaining weight very slow... Her doctor says her weight is normal but i wanna her other opinions...

Will my boyfriend like his gift ?

I have been dating my boyfriend for almost a yr. now and this is gng to b his first bday with me. I know guys like electronics so i thought of a phone, but he already has a new one, so whats the point? The next best thing is a laptop, which is the gift i have for him. He is always talking about getting a new computer because his is so old and slow. So what do you think? Do you think he will like this gift ( a laptop ) ? I know its pricey but i thought id get something he has been wanting for a while.

A bunch of 12 yr olds going to teen club and taking a cab? Read details please?

Sounds like you want to go! They should be fine if they are going as a group. Going to a club at that age would be my biggest worry...

Can You Help Me Get Things Back To Normal?

Last summer this girl and I were like best friends even into October we were really close. Then we didn't hangout that much for like a month and in December I found out that she was dating this guy. This guy 1: I know for a fact hates me. 2: Had gone out of his way to humiliate her in the past and 3: Played constant head games with her. Of course I was upset when I heard about this but I figued it wouldn't last long, as of now shes still with this loser and hangs out with his friends all the time, all of which hate me and some of which she hates. Furthermore the relationship has only gotten worse: he smokes pot, puts her down, blows her off for another girl. I still hangout with her but its hard its usually only for like an hour or two and its always hard to set up. I just want things back the way they were last summer how do I get that? BTW sorry this took so long I just needed to explain the situation fully.

My 2 1/2 yr. old son wants a baby sister?

today my two and a half year old son came up to me and out of the blue told me that he wants a baby sister. now, he'll be 3 in september but he's not even potty trained and i am the only one that works in the family....what should i do?

How soon can a pregnancy test come back positive?

I had sex with a guy other then my BF on 10-6-10 took a pregnancy test on 10-12-10 it was + could it b my BF bby I'm due pretty soon and just want to make sure.

How to get my ex girlfriend back ?

We dated for over a yr, got a puppy together and a place together. About 2 months after that she broke up with me. The.cited reasons were she was sick of our puppy chewing things, my best friend was being rude because he was going through a tough break up and all though she was happy with me, she wasn't sure if she wanted to.settle down. However a few weeks after that she was in a serious relationship. We have been broken up for about 4 months. She still goes to the same bars that she knows I will be at. Joined a bocce league im in after knowing I was in it. I have made a fool of myself a few times with wanting her back and have tried most things I can think of. I know you all are going to tell me to move on, forget about her and everything else. I just want to know if there is any play left for me. I love this girl, holding her at the end of every night was the best part of every day. We had same interests. I was honestly happy with her all the time and want another crack at it. So if anyone has any way that it may be possible, id be greatly appreciative

Is this mean for my bf to say?

i know that y'all have been together for a little while any everything and you probably love him but you need to put yourself first. if that's all the respect he has for you then move on. dont let someone treat you like that there is no excuse for it and your the only one that can do something about it.. good luck

Does he like me????????

so i dont know him face to face but we talk on facebook he has a cousin that goes to muh school FYI im in 7th grade and hes in 8th so we talk on facebook once he told me lets kick it and he also told me if i was down and i said yes and den the next day he started calling me bby and boo im soo confused?? HELP

Friday, July 15, 2011

Girl is like a mom from the Maury show. Should I stop being her friend?

Well if you don't want to be friends with her anymore just say "well I want to be cool with you but not hang out as much" or "i do t like you leave me alone or we will have some problems" but if you still want to be friends with her just distance yourself a bit so you won't be so annoyed

Did you smoke cigarettes while pregnant?

I smoked with my first child and i cut back a cigarette a week and it took till i was 5 months pregnant for me to fully quit and its normal u just gotta keep trying

What can i do for my oily/dry skin?

i am a 19 yr old female and i am so confused on what to do with my face i wash it 2 times a day with st. Ives apricot scrub, and after i wash it is is dry usually around my chin and lover cheeks and in between my eyebrows. and then i use nuetrogena sensitive skin lotion after i wash my face, but when i use the lotion my face seems to get oily fast. i dont have the clearest skin i have been getting small white heads on my cheeks and now 2 or 3 on my forehead. i dont know if its because the lotion or if it is because when i dont use the lotion and my skin is dry. if anyone knows what products are best for clear smooth skin i would greatly appreciate it opr if you could at least help out by telling me if i should be using the lotion or not.

Highschool/ Sophomore Seniors dating?

No, two years is not a big gap at all! Don't worry about it at all. If you like her, than go with it. Two years really doesn't matter at all!

How to improve my PC gaming performance (read detail please)?

You need a better graphics card. Check nvidia or ati graphics card prices and select one that suits your budget.

My daughter Misses her preschool friend?

My daughter is 3 yrs old she has a friend from Preschool that she talks about non stop, and through out the yr I got some what close with the little girls mother and it is now summer time and she told me to call and we would get the girls together. I have called several times and have not heard back. My daughter is crying over how much she misses her little friend what should I do?

What is happening to my body?

I'm 19, and when I was 16 I thought I was gay. Until I turn 18 I started having sexual feelings for girls. Now, I'm about to turn 20, and I'm strongly sexually attractive for girls; furthermore, I'm thinking of having a girlfriend, too. On the other hand, I was curious about gay sex, but never encounter it; and this was when I was 16-17 year-old. I don't find gay sex exciting, and find it gross, since it's were waste goes; no offense to those who enjoy it.I am, though, attractive by the male body, and his face, if he is cute. So what is happening? Also, am I still going through puberty?

Tips on talking to guys in summer holidays. :D?

Just wondering, since it's summer holidays meeting guys is harder of course. I really want to but I was wondering if I'm at the pool or say the movie store and I see a goodlooking guy what should i do? just walk past and say hi or what? I don't want to seem weird or desperate which I'm neither I just yah am not sure what to do. Advice? And is the pool a good place to meet guys? I like school, in class better cause then you know the guy is your age but how do I figure that out in the summer? Just chat to them? askt them how old they are and wht gr there going into nxt yr? what? :D Hope I get some good answers. :D

Im 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant and i want to have this bby like now!! :))?

i went to my dr.s 2 days ago and she told me i was 2 1/2 cm. open already and tht i might have my bby by tht day or yesterday but nothing has happen yet, not even today i have back lower pain and crampss but not close enough to go to the hospital and im desperate haaa can someone HELPP MEE!! wht can i do to go to labor..

Why is my cat scratching herself?

i have a three yr old balinese, the last month she has been scratching herself to the point of blood, she has no fleas ticks etc. i took her to the vet, for them to charge me $150 to tell me it may be dry skin and to give it a few days, i told the vet she been doing this for what was about 2 weeks at the time. i figured id wait and see if she stopped but she hasnt, shes been tested for feline aids and what not and everything think came back good. what can i do to stop her from scratching, i tried putting her in one of those neck tubes and she just goes crazy clawing everything in site. someone told me to try putting the aloe gel stuff you put on sunburns but idk about that, seems kind of sketchy. any idea?

Could i be pregnant again!?

I missed my period last month. I took 2 test and both negative. I'm showing tons of signs tho. Sore nipples, hot flashes, fautigue,mood swings, lite cramping. I just had a bby in November n was thinking it was cuz my body was healing. But right when I had my son my periods were back to normal. Then all of a sudden my period stops. I'm not sure if I should wait it out and see what hapens n a couple weeks or just be smart and go to the doctor. Has any of you ladies had the same thing happen and turn out pregnant.? No smart remarks please. Just want to hear some stories.

My 5 month old baby is having trouble breathing ?

My 5 month old bby was hospitalized with a virus in her lungs she eas sent home 3 days ago now shes sleeping but i noticed her breathing kinda fast and she would stop breathing for about 5 seconds at times wat should i do should i take her to the e.r or just wait till the morning and get a dr appointment? ?

I think i downloaded illegal porn.?

Ok im not a perv sick man im normal 18 yr old. I seen the title loltia porn so i search it on google and i clicked on a web site and it said you must be 18 to enter so i clicked. i click one of the videos. i was just curios and it downloaded a aplication and i was like omg i didnt mean to download this becuase it didnt give me a option it just downloaded as soon as i clicked a picture. and i deleted it straight away but now im scared if the police see iv downloaded that.. What should i do i feel sick

He never texts me first?

The best way to fix this is to just ask him in person. Dont be arrogant or anything just politley ask why he dosent do it. And if your nervous or something just ask one of his friends if hes into you. To be honest with you this girl and i have the same problem she always txts me first and i never do. So she talked to me about it and the problem was solved. Good Luck Zoe

Could these be signs im finaly pregnant plzz answwer?

Its like I'm sooooooo tired in the morning all of a sudden and i can't get up.. then like my stonch the bottom feels like super bloated idk why and it just feel weird and my fiance has been sleeping sooooo much lately that's like all he does sleep and work he was nvr like that.. by the way me and him hav been trying to concieve bby #2 for quite some time now

Stomach flu???????????????

my 4 year old sister was sick for about 3 days. during that time period she threw up about 3 or 4 times at night and had diarrhea just once. the docter said it was something that was going around and that she will be fine.she is fine today but today me and my 13 yr old brother woke up vomiting. i only vomited once while he vomited 3 times with diarrhea. i haven't vomited for about 6 hrs now but i still feel nauseous (btw i didnt get diarrhea)i dont feel like eating at all, im afraid i will just throw it up because of my nausea. i have been drinking water though, little by little.does this sound like the stomach flu? is it just a mild case? how long do stomach flus usually last? someone help please

How does a person maintain interest in a book so as to read much of it in one sitting?

I've managed to read some books in one sitting but then again, they're rarely 'hard going' books but more like, easy reading fiction and things like Twilight :p I find the same like you for books I have to read but then I just keep working through them, telling myself that in this hour I will read it and try and get to a certain page number. If its boring I work on chapters/page numbers and getting over them. If it's interesting to me then I don't even remember those techniques.

Cat sneezes? What to do? ?

My 1 yr old cat keeps sneezing and has liquid seepin from one eye it kinda looks like he's crying. Is this a cold or possibly an allergy, I'm not sure if he needs to be taken to the vet. Any advice?

I need help with my child's feelings after a serious car accident!?

My two step children, my two children and myself were in a serious car accident 3 nights ago. Ages are 12 and 11 and 6 and 3. All kids were taken by ambulance to the ER and after being evaluated everyone but my 6 yr old was released. My 6 yr old had a large laceration, fractured skull, bruising on her brain, and a small brain bleed. She was care flighted from the local ER to a better hospital. Spend 18 hrs in ICU and 18 hrs on the neurology floor then release to come home. She needs 24/7 supervision and it will take weeks for her to fully recover. She isn't acting herself at all. Kind of emotionless except for unexpected bursts of crying and she sleeps 75% of the day. My 11 yr old step daughter had no injuries at all. She is extremely jealous of the attention my 6 yr old is getting. She says she wishes it was her instead (not to take the pain away from my daughter but so that we would all fuss over her instead). I've done everything to keep her from feeling this way. We tell her how much we love her and we're so glad she's ok. Her feelings are very selfish and I don't know how else to handle this. Does she need to see a counselor? It's upsetting because we do love her and she knows that. I'm lost because I don't know how to stop these feelings. I even suggested that she start her summer visitation with her mom earlier so she isn't around to see all the fuss over my 6 yr old. But suggesting this made it worse. Where do I go from here?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

We're having a bby and we have a dog at home?

what you can do to help her is one make sure you can walk her a few times day or some actity ( a doggie day care does great also)and then get a baby doll that makes noises you carry it around and act like its a real baby if she trys to jump or shows any signs of a behavior you dont want her to have tell her no and remove her from the room for a bit then reintroduce her and repeat she will get the hang of it soon or if you need help and can afford it get a trainer they can give you pointers and show how to it is an option for you before you get rid of her labs are generally a family dog and do great i have a lab mix i got as a puppy when i was prego and she does great with my 5 month old son she even lays on the floor next to him n lets him pull on her ears lol but try that it may help

Please help? Might be depressed?

My dad and my mom and preety much my whole family hates me im nooone's favorite and they always blame everything on me ex. My bby brother hit my sister so its my fault kuz i showed him wtf? Shud i kill myself? My parents dont no how bad i feel in my head nd wat day did to me.i go back to my homeland for vacation and noone comes to see me , my sister comes after and everyone suddenly starts comming who really cares about me? i get rlly mad after constant annoyance and hit the walls kuz i dont wana hit them then they talk about me like im crazy i just want 2 parents that love me, i wish i could buy them at wal mart :( i wish i could just control 1 thing in my life they make all my choices thats why i pierce my body plz help

Is this skin lesion cancerous or pre-cancerous?

The tissue does not look like good health "healable" granulation tissue. The reason it is not healing may be that the hydroquinone or kojic acid topical treatments have "burned out" the ability of that area to heal. It does not look cancerous and of course, only a pathologist can say for sure but as a wound care expert treating many similar patients, my action would be to numb up the area around the wound, and then excise the entire area to healthy, bleeding tissue. This assures that I have tissue that has the potential to heal. I send what I remove to the pathologist for him to evaluate. If not a cancer (which I doubt), then I use modern wound care therapies (no alcohol, no peroxide, no letting it exposed to the air) to get this to heal. The key is to treat our tissues gently and allow them to do what they are programmed to do. Find a good wound care doc in your area and let them help. Visit the web sites of the American Professional Wound Care Association or another wound care organization to find one of us in your area.

I need a flyy nickname for my unborn bby boi... ?

My nephew we call him fresh or LA (lil allen) my son will b named Theopolis Dean Huguley IV i dnt really want theo dats wat i call his father plzzz hlp,,,,,,,,,

REPOST one more time please help me choose (:?

I think Roman is a pretty kick-a** name, to be honest. And if you're not opposed to long names, I think Roman Tyler Michael has a nice ring to it. Not as a triple name, I'd say refer to him as Roman. But you can name your son in a really cool way, while still paying respect to both your friend and your brother. Congrats on your child and I'm sorry about your loved ones. ):

Me and my bf have been tryn to have a bby but we've only been tryin for about 3 or 4 weeks but like ?

Last month I was cramping but only spotd alittle when I went to the bath room and it went away it was for one day only, and like I've been really emotional lately and I get cramps in my lower stomach, could I be pregnant or what else could be wrong?

I homeless i need help asap befor i kill myself?

im 16 with a child life was good until someone broke in my mothers home she thinks it was my child's father but it wasn't but she doesn't care she just thinks its him but any way now nobody wants me at their house or want to be around me they all say let him take care of you but the thing is we aren't together my mom is mad cause i still let him see the bby so she put me out shes moving on the 1st and she said i cant no where shes moving to so what am i to do ?? i told him he homeless his self the bby isn't a problem she can g with my mother but its me what am i to do i have nobody by my side im ready to kill my self i need help somewhere to go shelters yu have to be in foster care to get into i have no one to talk to i got Alto going on please i really need help IF YOU DNT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY DNT COMMENT IM ALREADY FEELING DOWN AND OUT

Plzz help what does this mean plz help?

I got into a big argument with my boyfriend well it was him who understood wrong well it was on Thursday he had called me to see what I was doing I was in a cousins graduation so I didn't answer but when he called again I answered. And told him were I was at he said oh ok I told him I would call him late so I did I called 2 hours later and he answered and I asked him oh what are you doing just to make conversation he responded me rude by saying we'll working what else ? So I told him oh well sorry ill let you get back to work bye I hanged up and left to help my aunt I left my phone on the table and he called back and he send 3 msg saying well don't answer your phone I wrote back when I had seen the messages and I told him I was busy call me when your out of work and he wrote back saying no forget it I ain't playing your game and I wrote back saying what game ???? Alright...he didn't text back so I didn't either and since Thursday around 4 he haasnt called me or texted me I really don't know what to do what did he mean bby saying he ain't playing my game I don't even know why he said that what should I do I love him but idk what's going threw his head I think its bc everytime he calls or texts me I always answer and just this once I told him I was busy he got all upset and won't tlk to me plzz help me what do you think

My baby's mama wont let me see my son since i made it clear that i cant go on with the relationship.?

shes useing my son to punish me for her own gain and wont let me c him. because it aint workin we like cats and dogs and shes a control freak and i dont wont her to poison my sons mind about me coz shes capable of doin it and shes very crafty. but we agreed to be responsible parents and raise him 2gether after the split up.. but shes denyin me the right to see him and keep cumn up wiv excuses... and wont let me spend last christmas wiv him. i av been to a solicitor n my solicitor rang her n wanted to take on the case but i decided to pull out becoz i want me n her to sort it out btween us like reasnable adults and not involve the law.. wa cool at 1st but when i started seein some1 else everything changed. shes talkin to me about havin another bby wiv be but i refuse..and shes slaggin of my new girlfriend. she told me shes seein some1 and am like cool but not knowin thats only just to c my reaction and when she realized that it dont bother me it even made things worse. told her av moved on and i wil be happy if she move on n be happy.. and we raise our son... but that even made it worse coz now shes got a solicitor claimin that i threatened to take away my son from her.. but all i said was that i havent seen my son in 8months that shes older that me but am more sensible than her n its a pitty that shes a horible woman n thats part of the reason that i dont wanna be wiv her no more that we got 50/50 rights that i can litraly walk in to hers n take me son to spend time with him but am been sensible that i want us to settle it like av lost my job and can afford a solicitor to take on the case. av done absolutely nothin wrong to this woman but shes constanly horible to me until i couldnt take no av moved on n happy. and she lives miles away from me thats another problem i live in london uk and lives in wiltshere uk and it drives me nut that shes usein my son as a target... am the real dad and got me copy of the birth cirtificate...e.t.c what shall i do my son turned 2 last last month and cant get my head round what shes gainnin from this... she once told me that i have to go to bed when my son goes to bed.. and then my son waz only 2wks old.. what shall i do??????

Does schools get too much power with the right to confiscate?

Today my iPad was confiscated by a aesthetics teacher and said that he would pass it to my teacher in charge of my co curricular activities Chinese orchestra? But when I went to the teacher and explained all things clearly that it was break time and that it was after school hours the rule of confiscation of gadgets is that any gadgets used during school hours would be confiscated but school hours are already over and that the teacher said she haven't bought an iPad and that it would be hers until she wanna return it this is like identity theft as all my info about my family including bank company info are in there and extortion I had to beg her in the end I received it back I know I shouldn't use it but the rules did not state also after school hours and furthermore during the waiting time before she returns it she could have stolen credit card numbers. Furthermore the aesthetics teacher firmly said the teacher he passed to WILL RETURN IT BY THE END OF TODAY so are schools overpowered with the right to confiscate or that the term of confiscate is too strong and school rules should be made EXTREMELY CLEARLY. So tell me schools have too much power with the right to confiscate? P.s the aesthetic teacher said if I didn't pass my iPad to him he will have me for truancy isn't truancy absent from school? WTF is with teachers this days (I was putting up resistance from him confiscating and in where I come from that is disobedience and it's very serious offense I mean come on it's nature it's like you have led your horse to water but it doesn't drink it then you beat it up.

Can I get into ole miss with a 3.4 gpa?

Hello i live in california and wish to go to ole miss. im currently involved in two clubs (the young entrepreneurs club/The non partisan debate club) that im the president of and never had a c in any class in high school until second semester of my junior year at which point i got a c+ in spanish and chemistry dropping my gpa to a 3.45 unweighted. Im not sure what it would be weighted as i got two A's in ap english and two bs in ap us history. Furthermore my extracurriculars Include being a boys state delegate, doing krav maga self defense since 8th grade, running my own ebay business, being a community emergency response team volunteer, passing my ham radio exam and being a ham radio operator and national young leadership conference delegate.

Is p90x good idea? 115lb, postpartum & breastfeeding.?

We just ordered it and was wondering if its a good idea since I'm 115 pounds but dnt want to lose weight, just want to tone up after having my bby ( hes 7 weeks). I can't follow the meal plan since I'm breastfeeding the doctor advises us to not diet. Will I still see results?

Bf disrespected my parents a while ago..should i still stay with him?? helpp?

Ur parents are always there guys come and go. My "EX" was like that to my parents hence EX. Good luck on what you decide cause in the end no matter what advice people give you you'll decide what's right.

Green card renewal questions?

I obtained a green card in 2008, (10-yr) then moved back to Korea, and I am still there. I heard you have to go back to the US every once in a while to renew your green card, but my parents refused to fund my plane trip, saying it was too expensive. So I was wondering if it expired/if I can get it renewed, I am aiming to go to the US for college, and it would be much, much harder if I was on international status.

HELP I need some advice..going into a new school nxt yr?

I am glad I am going to have a fresh start but I will be at a whole new school and none of my friends will be there and I am not what you would consider " Bubbly " I have a little social anxiety so I need some advice on how to make some new friends? I am not into sports so sports teams is not an option.

Is this mean for my bf to say?

wow honestly that it totally uncalled for. and u shouldnt have to put up with stuff like that. When i read this immediately i thought wow he has absolutely no respect for you what so ever. No guy calls his girlfriend names like that if they cared about them. Yeah you ahvent completely told him about your past with toher guys but that is absolutely no reason nor does it give him leeway to call u a *****. Ive been in **** like this before but way worse, really girl once u start letting him call u ***** like that and not stricking up for yourself your basically telling him that it is okay for him to call u that when its totaly not. Then eventually all that is gonna bring you down and your gonna start to belioeve her maybe i am a ***** when you really arent. Really though you need to tell him you dont appreciate him calling u that and its not nessasary. Hell he can;t even be considerate for you over you cat. thatrs messed up.

Can the judge release an inmate if a state doesnt pick them up on the extradition date that was provided?

Well heres the thing, on my husbands first court date the judge stated that jersey had 90 days to pick him up. It took almost 90 Days to drop the chrages out here in nyc... Then on his recent court date the judge said that they have til the 7th to pick him up. Does those 90 days count for the time that they have to pick him up now? He signed the extrdition papers on his first court date..... And also his warrants are misdemeanors... Sorry it was so 8 months pregnant and truley hoping he gets out before i give birth to our bby boy.... Help please with as much information as u can provide...

39 weeks pregnant If your water was to break in the shower would you be able to tell?

39 weeks pregnant what if I'm in the shower in ma water breaks will I b able to tell?? I'm really nervous because I knw that if you don't go to the hospital right away it can cause an infection to your bby.

How do I get my mum to trust me?

I'm 12 and all my friends have boyfriends and mobile phones and get to do stuff and go places but my mum doesn't let me do anything. I probably wouldn't be allowed a boyfriend, I only have an emergency phone because I catch the buss, and I can't go places with friends because they all live like 20 minutes drive away. She won't even leave me at home with my 10 yr old brother for more than 10 minutes! How can I get her to trust me more?

Did i make a mistake or was i stupid?

I am a 24 yr old highclass prostitute(cos i have no one) & last night i was with a hot client who was so aroused he didnt wanna wait.i told him the usual "money in my hand first,then my back on bed" but he assured me payment and he looked realy rich so i broke the major rule and gave in,only for him to later reduce my pay and i could do nothing as he left.was i stupid or i just made a mistake?

What should i do my husband dont love my little girl?

I been with my husband for about 4yrs and we have a bby together when I got with him I had my little girl she was 3yrs and she has know him as dad ever since she doesn't know her real dad, so now she is 7yrs and she has never ask anything cuz she belives he is her dad but my husband just confest to me that he got no feelings for her. When he gets mad at her he stops talking to her and. I don't think is right I know reality I have try to talk to him he always made me belive he was going to be there for her but now since we have our baby he miss treats my little girl it hurts and I don't know how to go about it. I'm confuse I don't know if I should tell her that he is not her dad so that she don't feel left out. I'm not sure if I'm making sense but please some help me with advise I really need it.....I'm going crazy of sadness......

Black crusty scabs in my shih tzu's right inner ear?

I was lookin in her ears tonight and noticed in one there were three seperate black marks which i thought was maybe ear wax , so i tried to clean it carefully and soon realised whatever it was , was crusty :( now im wondering if she has an ear infection, its only in one ear and i havent noticed it before tonight. We have had some pretty hot weather lately could this be causing it? I bath her every week and take her to the groomers every 6 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated , she is my bby and the least thing wrong worries me :( thanx in advance :)

The Sims 2 baby help?

So my sim is collage and her and her fiance are going to have a bby but shes only a freshman and i want her to finish school. how do I like not have the bby until she finishes school? i used the testing cheat to get her pregnant.

My friend is looking for a sperm bank do any 1 kno where i can find 1 at that is located in newarknj or near?

She want to have a bby but she lesbo plz give me sum info to help her a number. Where its located sumthing plz and thank u

Is the saying "if its meant to be, they will come back again" true?

has anyone had this happen to them? my ex and i have been apart for 4 yrs now and after the first yr and a half she tried contacting me on and off but i ignore her. and i dont know what exactly she wants and i just wander if the saying is true. could she be coming back and im messing with fate?

Why doesn't my male cat want anything to do with me no mote?

I've recently had my 1 yr old male cat neutered and it's been little over a week Sinse hes operation, whilst it's made him a calmer cat (he was a little crazy before but very affectionate often coming to me for cuddles) but now he doesn't want anything to do with me. He'll cone home when called and meow at me for food but if I try to go near him he'll run away and if I try to touch him he scratches or bites at my hand. Can anyone tell me why he's acting like this?

Breastfeeding mom! HELP!!!?

I am breastfeeding my 2 month old baby, but he doesnt seem to get full. He will drink 5oz of my breastmilk in a bottle since i ONLY pump But after he is done he'll still cry cause he is hungry and i have to give him 5oz of formula for him to be a happy bby. I only have to give him double bottle if i first give him my milk. Does anyone know why he doesnt seem to get full with my milk. Any suggestions in what i can do?

Pp question.. Help!?...?

I had my baby 5 weeks ago vaginally, when she was 2weeks I was breast feeding her amd started getting a really bad pain, like labor contractions I could bearly breathe it started in my abdomen and upper back then went lower, I had it for like 30-40 min straight then stoped for like 1hr and again then didnt come back.. And today I kinda got them again but went by fast, do you have any idea what it was or did it ever happen to you?? Ooh I did have an epidural the day I had my bby I dnt know if that matters.

2 week long period on nuva ring..?

I've been using nuvaring for about a yr now. Me and my boyfriend have unprotected sex because im on bc and we live together. I've had a long period and this hasn't happened before. Im looking up things Bout it and pregnancy pops up everywhere. My periods long, I've felt sick and tired. What could this be. Im seriously worried.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Please rate my SAT essay?

Wow! I would most definitely give this a score of 6! This is very well written for only 25 minutes. Your word choice and vocabulary is excellent, and you certainly know what you're talking about. I especially like your quote at the end which further supports your argument. Nice job!

Please help! Trying to move on?

I had an on again off again relationship with the father of my 6month old baby girl ..we have always been good friends (did I mention he is also a minister) well when he found out I was pregnant our relationship totally changed he became very distant and wanted nothing to do with me I of course was still in love with him and figured we can work things out but when I was seven mon pregnant he was dating another woman well after breaking up with her six mon later I thought again there may be something we can do but one months after his breakup with the last women he decides to marry another woman he dated back in college 15 years ago he hasn't seem this person until he was on the he is moving six states away and I am sitting here hurt angry and bitter ..and by the way they claim this relationship is ordained by God..just dont know how to move on ..and I also did nit mention his new wife has two children and is a new divorcee for nit even a yr and he has been divorce for 3yrs with another child...

How to get a 15 yr old to dump his 4 month girlfriend?

Theres this 15 yr old tht likes me nd we txt all the time.But he has a gf nd they've been dating for four months.but he still asks me to sneek out with him nd we always flirt around nd tlk abt sex.i liked a shirtless pic of him on face book nd his girlfriend yelled at me.wat do i do i still wanna flirt with him but not wen he has a gf. i rlly like him.............

What do u think of these names?

Hey im a 13 yr old girl & i made this name up arabelle rose! I deffently know i will call my oldest duaghter that! I my oldest son john :)

I am really stuck here, its hard to leave it when you feel something this deep for someone!?

Ok well i liked this girl for maybe 5 monthes,i known her as a friend for about 3 years, we got on well. She lives up the SAME road as me. She said things in the past which made me think she liked me as a person and saw me as future relationship material. Then this year i didnt see her for ages...then febuary i asked her to come out with me and a friend for a drink and catch up. Then she saw me and straight away i could tell she sort of fancied me..its not a secret i changed alot this year and alot of girls find me attractive now. She took a massive interest in me and really gazed in admiration a few times. A month later i randomly see her when iw as out with my m8s in this busy place...she left ehr table and came up to me and was like don't even speak to me...then a week later i seeher and she was all good with me acting almsot like a victim to me, saying lots more things which gave the impression she sort of fancied me a bit. This girl lost her dad a yr and a half ago...shes known as a game player..boys say she thinks shes too good for any boy and a pricktease. But we really connected and yet the games went on, is tuck with ehr because i knew the real her the one i was friends with the one from a ncie family, with an easy going personality most of the time, iw anted to be with her. Then i was asking her to come out and ended up arguing with her telling her soemtimes i jsut cant get through to you you got issues. Now that made her go mad, thats the one bad thing i have ever sed to her. But ic alled ehr and apologised and she sed it was fine, but then all the dirty looks began, i ignored them and kept trying. Anyway this all ended in me texting her and telling her i was mad about her and iw anted to be with her.... she was like but your so horrible to me?... then proceeded tos ay i'd upset her too much. i said tell me how you feel and she took quite a bit longer to reply but then sed sorry i jsut don't feel the same way. now this is a frustrating postition because im so stuck, i know she liked me and i know her problems. One of my friends said just move on and ignore her but the other said when you see her next just say you want to talk...Then tell her everything, tell her you know shes got a right to be distrusting of boys and thatyou know you shouldnt of said what you did. i've really kept going with this i kept calling you i kept trying, it takes alot for me to like a girl and your the first i ever really told...the fact she lives so close to me makes me sort of wanna put a lid on the whole situation. Rather than smile and pretend im all good. But other people say shes a bit younger and these are all inmature games, shes a very attractive girl that doesnt quite know what she wants, she ll run back to you... but its really hard for me to just walk away without putting it all out there. Can some one help!

Could this be a sighn im pregnant? HELP!!?

Hi there.i recently started taking birth control on the 14th on the 19th was the last pill I took.also I had unprotected sex that same day in the night he cummed in me. I didnt take my monday and tuesdays pill,but I took wednesdays pill.idk if I should start a new pack or just keep on drinking them.anyways thats not my question.on thursday morning I went to the restroom and I had a brown stain on my under wear,then I started cramping a little bit and bleeding but not bright red how I usually get it,its kind of pinkish could I get my period again if I just had one not too long ago on the 8th thru the 13th?! Could this mean im pregnant? Or implantation bleeding? Im confused.also im very nouseouse this morning and woke up with a bad stomache pain.please not trying to have another bby!! And its tooo early to have symptoms!!

Sticky situtaion please advice?

To hell with the "strong feeling." What a great woman you are! Oh, you are so intelligent, if only more brats could be half as witted as you are my shining angel. Okay maybe that was a bit much. Simply put, good job for taking his actions as hints to who he is. What would I do? Well . . . Honestly, I would drug bust him. The news can get boring sometimes, anyways. Don't trust drug dealers -it's too easy money. All they want is fast cash and a fast babe. You saw that coming so you are high-tailing it out. Good. Still, for kicks, I would drug bust him ;) Be in a safe and secure place when you do it, though, someplace you know he won't look for you, in case he has thugs.

Anyone any parties in like late july early august in nottingham or london? we wanna get mad?

anyone know of any parties in late july early august? not clubs or ****, but like house or lake parties, i dont want no old perv invite us lol so like 17-19 yr olds? pleasse let me no

Help! please ! , im think i might be preagnant but aint sure can someone help please ! ): , im really hoping ?

Well I'm 17 and my boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex he had *** in me 17,19,21,23, & 25 , and on april 25 I had my period , but its weird I only lasted 3 days and than it was all brownish , I usually last about 8 days with it, for me that aint normal since it had never happen before ,I have taken 2 preagnacy test , the first one it was negative but like I could see the other line but really light , than the next week I took another one and it was negative ): , we really want a bby its just that we don't know what's going on and I have been having major headaches but then they go away and than come back, last week when , I took a shower and saw darkish blue on my breast (exactly like veins ) people say its early preagnancy , but feww days pass and there gone , but I sometimes feel a sharp pain on my right breast, and lower my stomach mostly on the right but also on the left but why am I getting negative. On the preagnacy test,I have felt really tired, bloated , get full really fast,nausea, and of course headaches .were really trying to have a family I don't actually know when I ovulate my cycle is 28 , he has *** also in me 8, 10, and we might try it on the fourthteen since people always say that's when almost a lot of people ovulate that day , I don't know what's wrong with me can someone please help me ?. , I don't actually know when I ovulate can someone help please ?

How bad is this bite? Plz help worst pain ever?

I gotbbit by an idiot bby about 2. Yrs the cut is aboutamillimeter deep.the skin on it is yellowish with little yellow's not bleeding but little red dots are forming.the outside is starting to be red and black and swell a bit

Pls pls answer i am having stomach heaviness...?

pls i need ur help of yours from past six mnths i am having stomach heaviness after eating .now it is getting worse n worse.i have gone to many doc but they give med. Which give temp relief and do not get cured by root.bread make it worse .i feel heaviness which last till 4 hrs (not exactly it depends on it severity)and other times my stomach is ok! Now days it is going regularly like this due to this i am not able to eat .well i m male 16 yr severly underweight problem also since 4 yrs .pls help

Is my lupus coming back?

I don't believe you ever got rid of the Lupus. You can't get rid of it, it can go into remission, but you will always have it. I have FMS it won't go away either. Lupus kills your kidneys, so you really need to tell your doctor about them. Do hot baths or showers help you?

What are my legal options with the dentist?

You don't have any, you have to realize that some dentists (like your new one) lie to you sometimes to get you to pay more money, you previous dentist seemed honest since he didn't try to trick you out of your money

How to get rid of uneven skin/scars/redness?

find ur color consealer then foundation the finish with transucent powder then apply makeup as normal

Relationship..Advice Please?

so im having this problem and i really dont know what to do..? :( i was with mf ex-bf for almost 4 years and he found out i had cheated on him..we broke up and he decided to give me another chance to work things out..i told him i know i made a mistake in cheating on him and i regret it with all my heart and i just wanted us to move on. and things were going great like i thought we were going to get through this...and just a few days ago he told me he didnt want to be with me anymore because he didnt feel the same with me..and that there was someone else...:( so he broke up with me and i moved out..we were living together already..and i moved back in with my parents..but he says that this girl hes talking about isnt nothing shes just a distraction for him to forget what i did..and i told him id wait for him if nothing worked out with him and that girl..he tells me he still loves me and wants me to have his bby..i really dont know what to do I'm lost and confused i love him so much i want to spend the rest of my life with him but im scared what if he doesn't come back to me? :( what do i do? wait for him..? :(

Question for Catholics?

@ Daver "God's Law transcends all earthly law." Then why my friend are you not stoning an adulterer to death in the street? Why are you not freeing rapists from prison who will promise to marry their victims? Why are you not shunning those from society who have touched their wives during menstruation? You all need to stop with this crap "because the bible says so" The bible says A LOT that we in society ignore due to the times and harshness of desert religion theories. Yet we pick and choose what we feel is right and wrong from what is written in the bible. Leviticus 18:22 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 20:10' If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. SOMEONE PLEASE tell me why 18-22 must be followed but 20-10 is not. You stand up, raise you bible in the air, and say "Its written in here" So is killing Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton and a few million other men and their mistress. So please tell me. Why is one right, and the other wrong, if there both "gods law"

What do you think of this statement about my much younger wife...?

Your friend may be right, the girl may have 'Daddy Issues'. But, hey, if you love her and she loves you, what does it matter? Or, it could just be that your friend is jealous. I know I am! LOL

Could i be pregnant? is it to early to test?

Me and my husband are ttc I had my iud "mirena" taken out in april and we are now trying for another bby..I'm wondering if its too soon to take a pregnancy test right now"based on the first day of my last period I should be three weeks right now...I'm to excited and I want to find out..should I take a test or should I just wait? Thanx for u help


I have know this boy since my high school junior yr. He was a senior then. But now I graduated from high school and he's a college sophomore. I will be freshmen. He is Pakistani muslim. I am Sikh Indian. I send him a friend request on facebook and he accepted me. In high school he was in my class. He sometime looked at me in class. He looked at me in hallways I pretended not to look at him. On facebook he does not have any girls that are Indian only abt 3 american, rest are boys? I asked him why don't you add more girls to your list? HE SAID THAT HE DON'T THAT MANY GIRLS When i asked him his number he gave me it. I also gave him mine but he did not ask for it, but i don't have txting so i can't txt just chat him on facebook. I became friends with him in April 2011. We starting chatting in May 6 he chatted first with me, May 13 I chatted , May 20 he chatted , June 4 he chatted, June 20 i chatted, june 21 he told me to come tommorow to chat with him. I liked his 2 pics and he liked my whole album on facebook. I go to his wall sometimes and like his status,comments, and pictures, I don't everyday, but this month i went 3 times on his wall. I am kind of shy to ask him if he likes me? I think he will say NO because he is pakistani muslim. But then why did he accept my friend request on facebook. I am the only girl on his list. He chats with me for 1 or 2 hrs after 2 or 3 weeks! :)

Transfer to Cooper Union with a 2.7 GPA ? please advice?

i m really determined to transfer to Cooper Union . Please let me know your opinions. I just finished my Fresh yr ...and if i pull up my GPA by the end of this year. Will I stand a good chance to transfer to Cooper Union ???

Could I be carrying twins!!!?

Had a scan Monday were we found I was 7 weeks pregnant but there was also another empty sac aswell has the one wi bby in! Could it be possible for the other bby to be hiding? Xx

Kay so yeah, i like this girl and i dunno if she likes me back?

okay so, i started liking this girl off of the social networking site that i go on called Tumblr, and i like long distance better then dating the sketchy people in my city. so she lives in the US and i live in Canada. when we started talking i wrote her a letter describing how i felt about her and she said it was cute and i was cute and all this stuff. then i asked if we could ever be together and she said possibly in the future because things have been going on apparently and stuff. and she's gay mind you so it works out for me cause i like girls and guys. but i asked her if we could play the question game and i got to know her more and that she's only a year older then me and that she does like someone and she asked me like relationship questions and stuff, could that be a sign that she likes me? because i'm really confused and if i actually have a chance with her. i do want to wait but i don't want to if it means nothing going to happen. because i was told to wait for the girl i fell in love with months before and it turned out she didn't love me. which sucked because it hurt and broke my heart. so should i wait and does it seem like she likes me? oh and she's super nice and calls me bby(baby) sometimes and uses hearts and everything.

My friend won't stop bullying me Help me plz!?

I have a friend that keeps bullying me and that person keeps calling me "Gay" , and a nerd, etc.. (even though im not like gay and stuff) I ask why to him why he calls me that stuff and he says that you study alot for my school's spelling bee -__-. ) And i gave him examples of Other ppl who studied and it still didn't work... Furthermore, well i think have alot of good grades and get good test scores or something.. (not to brag) How can i stop this bullying :(

Guys help is she not interested im confused?

alright, so theres was this girl in my school, shes a grade below me, (where both in high school but school ova so im goin 2 juniors she goin to soph yr) and the only class i had with her is gym. i liked her, i pussyed out the whole ****** year i never talked to her bc i was shy, i didnt message her on facebook until the last week of school (regents week) i introduced my name and i said you were in my gym class this year saw you around but i didnt wanna say anything because i was kinda shy and i thought you were really cute, and then she said oh haha thanks, so i tried starting a convo, i was soo watsup, and she said nothing, im sorry but im not really looking for anything new right now, and then she said that was sweet of me to IM her and say that, she then said sorry again, then that she had to go, and then she said see ya around with a smiley face...then i FB IMed her again a few days later she could not talk bc she had to study which i understood, but then i imed her again 3 days later didnt answer, then a week later didnt answer and i just did it last night she didnt, guys is she like not interested in being friends, if she isnt imma b upset bc i realllyyy liked her shes so beautiful prob the most beautiful girl ive seen (im a really nice and sweet guy btw)....guys plz help im confused

Do you agree with Texas Governor Rick Perry's belief that public schools should be privatized...?

Yeah privatize it and keep unions out of it, everything bad that came from education is a side effect of poor teaching encouraged by unions

Can anyone help me with my crazy sis?

well, should do some research, some people do worship a being from another dimension called ctuhlu and you should probably ask someone older to have a talk to her. maybe she may grow out of it.

How to maintain a healthy diet as a teenager?

I'm a 16 yr old girl and I'm not going to lie, i love food. I just think that lately I've been eating pretty unhealthy and I'd like to gain the will and self discipline to cut out unhealthy things from my diet and add better things to it, without completely starving myself. I've been doing crossfit (working out) and running lately I just want to pair a healthy diet with that. Its summer, so its even harder to eat healthy sometimes cause i'm often just haning around the house. By the way, I'm 5' 6" and 128 pounds, a lot of that actually being muscle cause of the working out I've done. So no, I'm not fat! Just want to get more fit and eat healthy (: thanks for the tips, tricks, and food ideas! God Bless.

Why dnt my bbygirl look lik her dad and a little lik me?

my bbaygirl is 5weeks and she looks a little lik me and nothing lik her dad his family dnt see the bby cuz they said its not his so they make me not want to bond wit the bby cuz we are left out of the family his 2 other girls look lik him he has a little indian in him and am light skin she came out lite skin



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My 9 yr old girl gets too big for her britches when her friend is around (meaning a bit cranky n smartmouth?

Every kid goes through this, heck i remember going through it and my mom who is also a single parent would tell me the exact same thing. Just keep doing what your doing. It shows her who's boss so when shes a teen shes not mouthy. It just cuz she has a friend over, she has to be "cool"

Alas, my mother has become a Janeite. What shall I do?

I recommend you learn how to spell "staid" before she punishes you with aloof disapproval.

Is it a good idea to pursue BS Nutrition to Masters of Environmental Science?

I really want an outdoor job or a job that includes field works such as Anthropology and Archaeology but unfortunately there's no course like that in the state school I got into. During my application I like planning my diet as well as cooking so I chose BS Nutrition, but after long I realized it doesn't really lead to the more adventurous and environmental path. I can't decide if I would shift to a different course which means an additional year in college or just proceed to a masters degree in environmental science. And aside from that I have this dream of saving and improving the state of the forests here in our country. Furthermore I believe I can do a lot of things and I really want a job that would make use of the things i've learned - i don't want to stop learning! I'm really confused and it's quite affecting my performance in school, so please help me out. Thank you!

Sticky situtaion please advice?

i was dating a guy. we had issues because he didnt wanna admit what he was doing. he then trusted me to tell me he was drug dealing.i accepted him as it is.but on sat he did something strange he send me a text me ha ha i saw u pretty. then i told him to come in and then he said no cause he was going to cut his hair. then i told him that if was fine. but i got made cause he says he was near my job then he tells me he wasnt. i called him and i asked him waht are u doing he then said notthing im all like why are telling me u are here and then that u are not. he says i told u i wasnt i was just playing, but unless u felt stupid went outside looking for me and u couldnt find me. i curse at him and told him i dint want him in my life. we then got into it in fb. he unfriend me and then he firend requested me to see he had changed his status to relationshio to single. i approved his request and then he ask on fb if i was mad i said no. he then told me u still wana see where this goes ure u wanna think it through. he ask for my # againd and told me text me bby. and i told him to just talk on fb that i needed to chanege cause i had emotional issues he then said. he was happy with my decision but not happy at the fact that im trying to take him out my life. was i too harsh...s hould i be careful cause he is a drug dealer. what should i do if he looks for me. p.s i have stong feeling for him

Thinking of moving to Mexico for a couple of months, best city to move?

Hello i am a 19 yr old male , who just got done with a long relationship , to make things worst i am not getting along with my parents and they don't want me to move in , i have about 4,000 dollars and i want to move in to a border city or a place not to far from the border , and rent a apartment and see how long i can survive with 4k , the reason why i want to move to mex is cuz the drinking age is 18 and over i enjoy to have a few beers also i want to get away from this whole mess and clear my mind , i will most likely move alone unless one of my friends wants to take the adventure , any recommendations as far as were to move and apartment rates , things to do , i love to party and go out and enjoy life.

Duet for dance w/my sister...?

Me and my little sister Holly REALLY want to do a duet for dance this yr. We are really close and I just think it would be SO much fun. The only thing is its really expensive...and my family doesnt have a ton of money. so how can we convince our parents that we really want to do this?? I offered to help pay but i dont have a lot of money myself either. and YES i am getting a job, but i'll have other things i'll have to pay for too like my car, etc. and this is going to be my senior yr so i'll be busy with that too....but i really really want to do this with my sister. especially sense ill be going off to college nxt yr and this will be a way for us to bond and have fun while doing it before i leave. please give me any advice you have! thank you!!!

15 yr old interested in boxing?

k so im 15 years old and really want to join a boxing gym. Im use to playing contact sports I played football for the last 6 years. Anyway my mom wont even discuss it with me she is worried im gonna get the **** kicked out of me. Also I was only born one kidney which my mom is also really worried about. Do u get punched in the kidneys alot in amateur boxing? dont you wear a protector around your waist? Anyway Please any advice or things I could say to my mom to let me box, THANKS

Should I report my neighbor?

Ok I live next to this weird kid right? Hes like 23? Well I'm a senior in highschool. and I found out today hes dating a 14 yr old girl. (Which I thought was really weird considering he gave me crap cause I asked out a sophomore girl. When were not even 2 yrs apart more like a yr and a half) and ya. Part of me says F*** it let it go. and the other half says ummmmmmmmmmmmm this is wrong. The girl is now going to my school. Shes a freshman well will be just like i will be a senior.

Im 38 weeks prego and have a abcessed tooth but im to far along to be seen by a dentist could affect my bby? ?

Its very painful and swollen and taste very yucky what could I do about this im worried about the bby

University worth it anymore?

I agree! It's like the Bachelor's Degree no longer means anything. My sister graduated from college recently and fortunately still has her job. I'm graduating college in like 4-5 years and it worries me if I won't be able to get a job and then have to waste tons of money on grad school. To me it's disappointing to see how people have to go through grad school just to prove that they are fit for a job. So dumb....

How Do I Get Him Back .?

Soo Okkay Me Nd Dis Boy Start Dateing In Dec. Ndd We Was Having Sex In jan. Bt I Found Out I Had To Move To Atlanta ; okk everything Was Gudd Untile Then , He Broke Up With Me ndd I Was Hurt . Bt I Moved Bk in feb. Ndd We Started Bk Dating ; for One He Didnt Trust Me Because The Day Before We Started Dating I Hunched Sumone else ; bt Besides Tht we Broke up Again Ndd He Had A gurl bt They Wasnt Dating Ndd I Hadd A Boy bt On V day we Had Sex (me Ndd my boy) after thenn like 2 weeks later me ndd da boy started bk dateing again .. Bt in March I Found Out I Was Pregnate For The 1st Tymee . I didnt Really Kno Who The Dad Was Bt I Had A Strong Feeling its Da Boy Whi I Been Datingg . Soo He Was Mad Becuse Of I Had Sex With The Utha Boy Bt He Did Nice Things For Me Still un tile I messed up ndd Got Mad ndd Said He Wasnt Da Dad ndd He Was Hurt . Bt Now He Been Drinking . Smoking ndd Hunching Utha Gurls . He Kno I Was Srry Cux I Said Srry Bt He Say He Love Me Bt Starts Fights for Noreason .. I Really zlovee Him ndd Want A zfam . Bt He Act Like He Dnt Want me Sumtimes . Ndd I feel Alonee . What Shuld I Do Cux I Kno I ****** Up bt I Been Tryna Do Gud .. By Me My Bby God Ndd Himm bt Nuthingg Wrkingg ...Help,!

Why is it takin so long ttc #2.?? plz comment?

Take a pregnancy test and see what it says. If it says negative don't lose hope. You could also maybe try going to an OB and see what they're suggestions are. Just keep trying but have fun with it too. Try not to think too much into it. Before I got pregnant my fiance and I were wanting a baby really bad and where we were thinking to much into it it seemed like forever til it happened. After 3 or 4 months we finally got pregnant and are expecting a little girl in just a few weeks! Like I said just try to have fun with it and don't think too much about it. It will happen soon enough!

NBA lockout questions?

Ok, can someone explain to me what David stern is trying to do with this lockout, i have been reading some articles and it seems he wants to do something really evil, also what are the owners and the players trying to agree on. Are the players trying to increase their salary or is it something else, furthermore, why cant players even talk to anybody in their team organization, that seems really ridiculous, i went on the celtics website and all their pictures were gone, why cant they contact their team?

Cant belive this happend?

am now in my last yr of school and when we do P.E i still dont like having to shower with the rest of the guys in my class so i thought i would nip home and get one there. when i got home the door was locked so i new no one was and i let myself in and hand my shower. when i was finsh i dint bother puting a towl round me as i new no one was home. i'd not had a **** for couple of days now so i thought i might as well have one as i naked. on my bedroom wall i've got this really sexy poster of pixie lott so i stood in front of the poster and started to masturbate. i've never been able to last long when wanking and with in two minutes i was to blow. what i dint no is my sister and her best friend had came home while i was in the shower and i dint here them. i started to say pixie's name out loud and my sister friend must heard me. i could not hold it in any longer and i turn my head to the right and to my horror my sister's friend was stood there with her phone in her hand filming me. i tryed to stop myself but it was to late. i started to shout at her but she ran out the room and out the house. when i got back to school i relasied people were looking at me kinda funny and then this one girl in my class came up me and ask if i'd seen pixie's new must video and i was like no why?. she then said she would go on youtube and put it on for me. she told me to watch it and when she pressed play i could not belive it. my sister's mate had uploaded the video of me wanking on the net. now everyone in school has seen it and they are now all calling me name's like one-hit wonder and pixie lover. what makes it worse is girl who are in my sister's year have seen it and there only 14/15 and they are calling me pin dick and tick-tack. am so imbarrsed about it and dont no what to do.

What do you think of the name Zelda?

go ahead. Before the games, Zelda was a legitimate name. You're going to have to deal with your child being constantly teased, however.

Why might a woman want to become a pornographic star?

I don't know. It's not something I'd choose, but not everybody is the same as me. In any case, it's not any of my business, and unless someone asked your opinion, it's not any of yours either. Everybody is different; you don't get to force your way of thinking on others. do i make money without a job?

So...iwant dis cell fone so bad but den i dnt want my mama n daddy 2buy it for me...iwanna buy it independently but my mama n daddy wnt let me get a job (im 15) n bby sittin is outta da question..the fone iwnt is $299 and i only have $65 and i need to make $234 more...itried to start my own cleanin business but idnt have a license so how am i supposed 2 earn money to get this fone...ineed ideas...badly...wat shud ido???

Is he a player or not??.....Should i dump him?

Yes, he's playing you for a fool. This guy has an ego issue and apparently thinks it's okay to juggle multiple relationships on FB. Everyone knows that stuff isn't totally private. He probably brags about it to his friends how he's got so many chicks all over the place. Dump him.

Dog attacking when it has something in its mouth and other issues...aggression or fear?

fear and aggression arent really different things there is such a thing called fear aggression but that dog has got dominance issues

My dryer is making a clicking sound like a coin is loose and tumbling but nothing is inside?

I like working on dryers, they are light as far as being able to put it on what ever side you want. drag it so you can access the back and dig into the vent area. You know it's in the vents, go for it , doesn't need many tools either. I would sneak a peak at the drum belt it may have a piece missing and that is what you are hearing.

Why doesn't Apple have its own manufacturing plants?

Building a couple of multi-billion dollar plants wouldn't be a problem to Apple. Doesn't Apple want to control ever aspect of its product? Furthermore, Apple is growing well and the end for this trend is no where to be seen yet. Having a strong and independent manufacturing capability will set a solid foundation for Apple. How could they rather authorize Foxconn and even Samsung, a competitor, to do the job?

I have a simple question: how does subjectivity arise?

By which I mean, why am I me as opposed to anyone else, or any thing else? Why am I this body of matter rather than another body of matter? Why am I ANY body of matter? And furthermore, if molecules are continuously swapped in and out of my cells, and cells are replaced, then how am I still seemingly existing as this body of matter? How am I seemingly experiencing a smooth flowing transitional experience from conception to death? It may be a slight understatement to say that this is a simple question. Only a slight understatement.