Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is it a good idea to pursue BS Nutrition to Masters of Environmental Science?

I really want an outdoor job or a job that includes field works such as Anthropology and Archaeology but unfortunately there's no course like that in the state school I got into. During my application I like planning my diet as well as cooking so I chose BS Nutrition, but after long I realized it doesn't really lead to the more adventurous and environmental path. I can't decide if I would shift to a different course which means an additional year in college or just proceed to a masters degree in environmental science. And aside from that I have this dream of saving and improving the state of the forests here in our country. Furthermore I believe I can do a lot of things and I really want a job that would make use of the things i've learned - i don't want to stop learning! I'm really confused and it's quite affecting my performance in school, so please help me out. Thank you!

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