Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sticky situtaion please advice?

To hell with the "strong feeling." What a great woman you are! Oh, you are so intelligent, if only more brats could be half as witted as you are my shining angel. Okay maybe that was a bit much. Simply put, good job for taking his actions as hints to who he is. What would I do? Well . . . Honestly, I would drug bust him. The news can get boring sometimes, anyways. Don't trust drug dealers -it's too easy money. All they want is fast cash and a fast babe. You saw that coming so you are high-tailing it out. Good. Still, for kicks, I would drug bust him ;) Be in a safe and secure place when you do it, though, someplace you know he won't look for you, in case he has thugs.

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