Thursday, July 14, 2011

My baby's mama wont let me see my son since i made it clear that i cant go on with the relationship.?

shes useing my son to punish me for her own gain and wont let me c him. because it aint workin we like cats and dogs and shes a control freak and i dont wont her to poison my sons mind about me coz shes capable of doin it and shes very crafty. but we agreed to be responsible parents and raise him 2gether after the split up.. but shes denyin me the right to see him and keep cumn up wiv excuses... and wont let me spend last christmas wiv him. i av been to a solicitor n my solicitor rang her n wanted to take on the case but i decided to pull out becoz i want me n her to sort it out btween us like reasnable adults and not involve the law.. wa cool at 1st but when i started seein some1 else everything changed. shes talkin to me about havin another bby wiv be but i refuse..and shes slaggin of my new girlfriend. she told me shes seein some1 and am like cool but not knowin thats only just to c my reaction and when she realized that it dont bother me it even made things worse. told her av moved on and i wil be happy if she move on n be happy.. and we raise our son... but that even made it worse coz now shes got a solicitor claimin that i threatened to take away my son from her.. but all i said was that i havent seen my son in 8months that shes older that me but am more sensible than her n its a pitty that shes a horible woman n thats part of the reason that i dont wanna be wiv her no more that we got 50/50 rights that i can litraly walk in to hers n take me son to spend time with him but am been sensible that i want us to settle it like av lost my job and can afford a solicitor to take on the case. av done absolutely nothin wrong to this woman but shes constanly horible to me until i couldnt take no av moved on n happy. and she lives miles away from me thats another problem i live in london uk and lives in wiltshere uk and it drives me nut that shes usein my son as a target... am the real dad and got me copy of the birth cirtificate...e.t.c what shall i do my son turned 2 last last month and cant get my head round what shes gainnin from this... she once told me that i have to go to bed when my son goes to bed.. and then my son waz only 2wks old.. what shall i do??????

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