Monday, July 18, 2011

How do I explain to my children from a previous marriage that my new wife and I are having a baby?

I (male) have a 15 yr old daughter and a 12 yr old son both live with the mother and her new husband with a 15 yr old step sister. My new wife and I are planning to have a child which we haven't told my chdren yet they already stated how disappointed they would be if I where to have another child. I'm surprised that I can't find more info on this issue online. I'm looking to speak with a professional to gain any advise on this topic.

Why is it so hard for a man to tell hes women its over??? Men can u answer this?

My husband told he family he dnt want me or love me...he been gone for weeks...when i call we talk normal but when i tell him i need to hear from him he hangs up i need closure its a 8 yr realationship and hav kids...i dont get it?? Is hes family brain washing him?? Or what?? Hes family does hate me also.....

He never texts me first?

Ok so im always the one texting him first like hey watever too start a conversation and he txt me stuff like "bby" ur too cute" stuff like that im starting to really like him and his so confusing ! At school he just hugs me and leaves ! Before we starting even talking he always stared at me in the hallway and everywhere i saw him :/ sometimes he randomly just stops texting me

Iz mie bby sistah preggos?

mie sis iz lyk six yrz old... nd lately shes been eating lotz, & puuuking in der br. nd her tummy iz getting fatter, my mom & dad kno bout it, but dey dont think shes preggerz. but i dink she's preggerz... i wonderz who she had sex wit =\ anywaaayz, iz sheee preggerz? oh yuh & shes beeen bitchy lately. so yuh, ohkayzz byeee babeeezz.

Is p90x good idea? 115lb, postpartum & breastfeeding.?

We just ordered it and was wondering if its a good idea since I'm 115 pounds but dnt want to lose weight, just want to tone up after having my bby ( hes 7 weeks). I can't follow the meal plan since I'm breastfeeding the doctor advises us to not diet. Will I still see results?

5 day old bby boy pooping so much?

my son is 5 days old today, hes a breast feed bby and since this morning hes been pooping about 6 times today. It yellow water poo and when he poops his tummy makes sounds. Is this normal?

Sophomore Senior Dating?

as i've heard it explained the youngest a guy (or girl i guess) should ever date is 1/2 their age + 7 so your on the borderlin. there probably wont be too much talk but there is always some no matter what the ages are